•  Pictures 5
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Parking lot where bikes are staged.
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No! No! Don't volunteer!
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Color Guard for the launch of RFTW 2008
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A Navajo prayer ceremony blessing the riders
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The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Department showing their patriotism and thanks to the Veterans
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RFTW volunteers are very organized. Safety first. Has to be when there's close to 350 bikes.
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This was taken at Ludlow, CA at a gas stop - one of the Huey's that will fly all the way.
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Lunch in needles, CA. Temperatures hovered around 95 degrees. In 2006, it was a blazing 116 degrees.
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Town folks volunteering to welcome home the RFTW participants. Everythng provided at no charge, but veterans give freely, so the donation jar was filled to the brim. Amazing what a simple "thank you for your service" will do. Regrettably, for the Vietnam Vet, that "thank you" is 40 years late.
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My old friend, Bill "Monsoon" Mimiaga. Monsoon and I served together in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Bill is also a "Mustang Marine."
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One of many gas stops. So far, the highest price we paid was $4.59 for permium, which is what Harley's consume.
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Crosshairs - "Everything is just peachy-keen!"
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Several dogs making the trip this year - this young English Bulldog was the hit of the day.
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Partners in crime --- errr, I mean crime prevention.
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Getting the word as the leadership passed the scoop.
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